When our team was planning for the launch of the Atlas pedal - our premium MTB flat pedal with ultra grippy pins - there were two directions to go – either stick with the bike industry’s tried and true shreddit or go (rogue) with a different path.
What came out of concepting was a creative opportunity that had the chance to be interesting and different without leaving behind Race Face’s unique personality.
Learn more about the Atlas pedal
Timelines were short due to Christmas break looming. After finding the right production house to collaborate with for the project for our latest alloy pedal launch, available prep time was only a week long, and the resulting shoot took place over one (long) day.

Getting creative with the team from Scrap ahead of the shoot.
Grip that grabs you - the all-new Atlas pedal. The Atlas pedal comes in a wide assortment of colours - kashmoney, blue, orange (pictured), silver, and more!
Ready for his close-up. Our Race Face athlete, Ollie Jones, was game to let us rope him up and hang him (safely, of course) from the ceiling for prolonged periods of time as well as getting very up-close and personal with his eyeball with the cameras.

The team ran into a few challenges when bringing this project to life. First, ensuring Ollie safety and comfort while hanging upside down with a harness and wires. Then, how to build a camera rig that could allow the camera to start in such a macro state to capture his eye and be able to move out while also rotating. Things didn’t stop once filming was over – because everything was done in real life, the VFX of cleaning up the cables for a finished piece took time and with such a tight timeline, there was not a lot of room for error.